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This book, co-authored by Marc and Kathy Reid, identifies 8 stages of workplace conflict and the intervention options that might be most appropriate at each stage. To bring all 8 conflict stages to life the book uses a realistic case scenario illustrating each stage.

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Conflict in the workplace is damaging for all those involved, the people in conflict, their colleagues and managers. The organisation suffers, not just from the direct costs such as sickness absence, legal costs etc. but from less tangible costs such as distraction from business objectives and even damage to the organisation’s reputation.


Conflict can be managed in a variety of ways but which approach is the best for the situation faced? This is why the authors have written this book, identifying 8 stages of workplace conflict and the intervention options that might be most appropriate at that stage. To bring all 8 conflict stages to life the book uses a realistic case scenario illustrating each stage. In the scenario we see how those involved are feeling and responding, what they might be thinking about the other person and how they might view the options open to them at each stage. This book can be helpful to anyone involved in conflict to understand better the choices open to them. It is also intended as a tool to help HR and line managers identify the most appropriate conflict management options and be in a position to give more informed guidance and support to their employees in conflict.

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