This comprehensive book by Marc Reid guides you through the skills and process of DIY Mediation. Learn how to act as an impartial facilitator to help others resolve their conflict and find ways to work together effectively.
“If every HR professional were to read this book and apply what they learnt I’d be out of a job – and I’d be happy. Why? Because workplace conflict would no longer be damaging businesses or harming people.” This was Marc's motivation in writing this book – to create a practical conflict resolution toolkit for HR. DIY Mediation gives you the necessary skills and framework to use a mediation style approach to nip low level workplace conflict in the bud.
Available in paperback direct from the author:
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This book covers:
The Issue. The critical knowledge needed to understand conflict - what it is, why it matters and how to recognise it.
The Skills. The four key skills to apply when using DIY Mediation supported by straightforward, practical tools.
The Process. The AGREE framework, a simplified step by step mediation model you can follow to intervene quickly and effectively.
Marc’s 25 years corporate management and HR experience and successful mediation track record combine in this book to create essential know-how for every HR professional. In top HR Director Martha Desmond’s words this book is a “valuable resource which I will keep in my office library to be consulted on a frequent basis”.
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"I have worked in the field of human relations for three decades and I wish this book had been written a long time ago! ..." Full review here.
- Mark Withers - Chairman, CIPD Thames Valley
"DIY Mediation by Marc Reid delivers a hands on solution to the problem so many HR professionals try to ignore... it is a manual for every HR manager out there who genuinely wants to address conflict whilst it is still low level and capable of being addressed without reliance on formal procedures..." Full review here.
- Graham White - Former NHS Director of HR
"The book provides an accessible and vital tool for HR professionals and a wider audience who wish to move from avoidance to a more collaborative and inclusive approach to handling conflict, and, who wish to pick up and use a no nonsense approach to get the job of conflict reversal in hand in their organisation." Full review here.
- Matthew Hill - Author, Trainer and Coach